Contact Information 地址是
祝 顺利
General Information:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10028-0198
Phone: 212-535-7710
TTY: 212-650-2921
The Cloisters
Fort Tryon Park
New York, New York 10040
Phone: 212-923-3700
Email: cloisters@metmuseum.org
Communications (for the Press):
Phone: 212-570-3951
Fax: 212-472-2764
Email: communications@metmuseum.org
Phone: 212-570-3756
Fax: 212-570-3972
TTY: 212-570-3828
Email: education@metmuseum.org
Educational Resources:
Explore Learn:
Events Programs:
Access Programs and Services for Visitors with Disabilities
Phone: 212-879-5500, ext.3561
TTY: 212-570-3828
Email: access@metmuseum.org
Adult Group Visits
Phone: 212-570-3930
Adult Programs (Lectures, Films, and Symposia)
Email: lectures@metmuseum.org
Community and Workplace Programs
Information: 212-396-5051
Reservations: 212-396-5170
Family Programs
Phone: 212-570-3961
Fellowship Programs
Written inquiries should be directed to Marcie Karp at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fax: 212-396-5168
Email: education.grants@metmuseum.org
High School Internship Program—currently not available
Museum Classes for High School Students
Information: 212-570-3961
Reservations: 212-650-2832
Email: students@metmuseum.org
Internship Programs
Written inquires should be directed to Internship Programs
Phone: 212-570-3710
Email: mmainterns@metmuseum.org
A Place for Middle School Students
Phone: 212-570-3961
Reservations: 212-396-5121
Offsite School and Offsite Teacher Programs
Phone: 212-288-7733
Programs at The Cloisters
Group Visits to The Cloisters: 212-650-2280
Information for Visitors with Disabilities at The Cloisters: 212-923-3700
Concerts at The Cloisters: 212-650-2290
School Visits
Phone: 212-288-7733
Email: school.programs@metmuseum.org
Teacher Programs
Phone: 212-570-3985
Reservations: 212-288-7733
Email: teachers@metmuseum.org
Timeline of Art History
Email: timeline@metmuseum.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Please call or email for an application.
Phone: 212-570-3954
Email: volunteers@metmuseum.org
Human Resources:
Written inquires should be directed to Human Resources at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, attn: Recruitment
Phone: 212-570-3842
Libraries and Study Centers:
The Image Library:
Requests for photographic materials must be made in writing, by fax or mail. All requests and payments of invoices should be addressed to:
The Image Library
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10028-0198
Fax: 212-396-5050
Thomas J. Watson Library:
Phone: 212-650-2225
Fax: 212-570-3847
Email: watson.library@metmuseum.org
The Central Catalog, which is administered by the Thomas J. Watson Library, maintains the object records for The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection (with the exception of The Robert Lehman Collection, prints in the Department of Drawings and Prints, and the Department of Photographs).
Phone: 212-650-2312
Email: central.catalog@metmuseum.org
Lita Annenberg Hazen and Joseph H. Hazen Center for Electronic Information Resources
Phone: 212-650-2912
Fax: 212-570-3847
Email: hazen.center@metmuseum.org
The Library and Teacher Resource Center in The Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education:
The Library welcomes readers for all ages to consult a wide range of noncirculating materials about the Museum's current exhibitions, permanent collection, and general art history.
Phone: 212-570-3788
Email: education@metmuseum.org
The Henry R. Luce Center for the Study of American Art:
Phone: 212-570-3903
The Robert Goldwater Library:
Department of the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
Phone: 212-570-3707
Fax: 212-570-3879
Email: goldwater.library@metmuseum.org
The Photograph Study Collection:
Department of the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
Phone: 212-650-2823
Fax: 212-396-5039
The Cloisters Library and Archives:
Phone: 212-396-5319
Fax: 212-795-3640
Email: cloisters.library@metmuseum.org
Study Rooms for Drawings and Prints:
Phone: 212-570-3920 (prints)
Phone: 212-570-3912 (drawings)
The Robert Lehman Collection Library:
Phone: 212-650-2340 (library)
Phone: 212-570-3915 (office)
Email: lehman.library@metmuseum.org
Joyce F. Menschel Photography Library:
Phone: 212-570-3889
Study Room for Photographs:
Phone: 212-570-3889
Antonio Ratti Textile Center and Reference Library:
Phone: 212-650-2310
Fax: 212-650-2676
Email: rattitextile.center@metmuseum.org
Phone: 212-570-3753
Fax: 212-570-3965
Email: membership@metmuseum.org
The Apollo Circle
Phone: 212-650-2371
Email: apollo.circle@metmuseum.org
The Met Family Circle
Phone: 212-650-2372
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: family.circle@metmuseum.org
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store:
Special Service Office
66-26 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, NY 11381-0001
To Order
Phone: 1-800-468-7386 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from within the United States and Canada. From outside the United States and Canada, please dial the appropriate United States access code, then 212-731-1498 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Fax: 718-628-5485
Order Inquiries
Phone: 1-800-662-3397 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, from within the United States and Canada. From outside the United States and Canada, please dial the appropriate United States access code, then 212-731-1498.
Fax: 718-366-5375
Email: customer.service@metmuseum.org
Catalogue Requests
Phone: 1-800-468-7386
Fax: 718-366-5375
Email: customer.service@metmuseum.org
Mail Preference
Phone: 1-800-468-7386
Fax: 718-366-5375
Email: customer.service@metmuseum.org
Personal Shopping
Phone: 212-570-3727
Fax: 212-396-5049
Email: store.service@metmuseum.org
Corporate Sales
Phone: 212-650-2909 Tuesday through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Eastern time (Friday and Saturday until 8:45 p.m.).
Fax: 212-396-5049
Email: corp.sales@metmuseum.org
Merchandise or Product Inquiries
Phone: 212-570-3894
Fax: 212-396-5043
Email: store.service@metmuseum.org
Public Relations for Merchandising
Phone: 212-650-2349
Fax: 212-570-3899
Email: pr.merchandising@metmuseum.org
Wholesale Sales
Phone: 212-570-3723
Fax: 212-570-3720
Email: wholesale@metmuseum.org
International Store Licensing Program
Phone: 212-570-3750
Fax: 212-570-3720
Email: wholesale@metmuseum.org
Merchandising and Trade Buying
Phone: 212-650-2748
Fax: 212-570-3823
Email: merchandise.buying@metmuseum.org
Subscription Concerts Lectures:
Phone: 212-570-3949
Fax: 212-650-2253
Ways to Give:
Phone: 212-570-3956
Fax: 212-570-3878
Email: development@metmuseum.org
Benefit Party Tickets
Phone: 212-570-3948
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: benefits.tickets@metmuseum.org
Corporate Patron Program
Phone: 212-570-3947
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: corporate.patrons@metmuseum.org
Exhibition Sponsorship
Phone: 212-650-2390
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: sponsor.exhibitions@metmuseum.org
Friends Groups
Phone: 212-570-3956
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: friends.groups@metmuseum.org
The Fund for the Met
Phone: 212-396-5305
Fax: 212-650-2226
Email: fundforthemet@metmuseum.org
Gifts in Honor or in Memory
Phone: 212-570-3956
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: development@metmuseum.org
National Outreach
Phone: 212-650-2104
Fax: 212-650-2226
Email: fundforthemet@metmuseum.org
Planned Giving
Phone: 212-570-3796
Fax: 212-570-3878
Email: planned.giving@metmuseum.org
Real Estate Council
Phone: 212-570-3947
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: realestate.council@metmuseum.org
Travel with the Met
Phone: 212-570-3956
Fax: 212-396-5040
Email: travelwiththemet@metmuseum.org
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