


;     席琳迪翁对谭芷昀评价

      身为多届格莱美“更受欢迎女歌手”,席琳·迪翁的人生像一部传奇剧:与年长26 岁的经纪人相爱并步入婚姻;不离不弃地陪伴丈夫对抗晚期咽喉癌病魔;丈夫不育却坚持人工授精生下儿子.在席琳·迪翁那里,绯闻、生活混乱、情绪化这些女明星的通病荡然无存.每次出现在公众场合,她总是衣着端庄低调.她极少因争议出现在媒体的聚光灯下.她向歌迷传达的是朴素的情感 .(外滩画报评)

      席琳·迪翁长得好,《My Heart Will Go On》挺好听的

      “被上帝亲吻过的嗓子”最初是用来形容意大利歌手安德烈·波伽利的,这句话是席琳?迪翁说的.中文译名:安德烈·波伽利英文名:Andrea Bocelli生日:1958-9-22籍贯:意大利


      《Tell Him》

      谭芷昀在《美国达人秀》的舞台上,唱了一首席琳迪翁的《My heart will go on》 ——泰坦尼克号的主题曲

      那个女孩叫Charice Pempengco 不是华裔,而是菲律宾人.她和席琳迪翁合唱的是狄翁的经典歌曲 《Because you love me》.




      Sing And You公司的创办人,谭顺生.


      席琳·迪翁个人资料 个人档案 生 日:1968-03-30 出生地:加拿大魁北克省charlemagne市 星 座:白羊座 身高:1.71米 (5英尺7.5英寸) 喜欢的香水:香奈尔5号 最喜欢的颜色:黑,白和红 运动:滑雪和水撬 最喜欢的男歌手:stevie wonder and michael jackson 最喜欢的女歌手:natalie cole, barbra streisand and ginette reno 精通的乐器:钢琴







美国达人秀Angelica Hale赢得金按钮时的背景音乐

Mauricio Luna birdy《Wild Horses》的副歌部分


I'm a dreamer

But it's hard to sleep when your head's not in it

I've been restless

Cause you disappeared and that's all that's missing

The Earth is loose under my shoes

There's an angel

And he's shaped like you, and I thought I knew him

There's a window

And it's dark inside, but the light was in it

This can't be love if it hurts so much

I need to let go

I will survive and be the one who's stronger

I will not beg you to stay

I will move on and you should know I mean it

Wild horses run in me

I remember

How we danced so close, I would stand on your feet

And the phone calls

That would last all night, they were lifeboats to me

Our fading scars just shooting stars

They're here, then go

I will survive and be the one who's stronger

I will not beg you to stay

I will move on and you should know I mean it

Wild horses run in me

Our human hearts forget how strong they are

And they get lost along the way, hey

It's not giving up, it's letting go

And moving to a better place

I will survive and be the one who's stronger

I will not beg you to stay

I will move on and you should know I mean it

Wild horses run in me

I will survive and be the one who's stronger

I will not beg you to stay

I will move on and you should know I mean it

Wild horses run in me

谭芷昀 参加美国达人秀 是哪一期

Wasting Water - Emerentia

We made shadow birds

With our hands

And when they learned to fly away

I couldn;t understand

So i became afraid of the night

Though it;s only in the dark

I see my northern star

Guided by it;s light

I;ll walk night and day

Through deserted land

If the wind will erase

My tracks in the sand

I;ll find my way back again

So no more wasting water

I;ve been casting nets

And catching stones

Felt something wet but now i know

This drop was all alone

I;ll walk night and day

Through deserted land

If the wind will erase

My tracks in the sand

I;ll find my way back again

So no more wasting water

When my eyes dry

I see your light in the dark

Look up to the sky

I;m so close to my northern star

I;m reaching the shore

Tired and thirsty

Can;t stand anymore

Still i;m getting back on my feet

I;ll walk night and day

Through deserted land

If the wind will erase

My tracks in the sand

I;ll find my way back again

So no more wasting water

I;ll walk night and day

Through deserted land

If the wind will erase

My tracks in the sand

I;ll find my way back again

So no more wasting water

I;ll walk night and day through deserted land

So no more wasting water


其实我看大卫的每一个魔术,都觉得惊艳,KING OF MAGIC,当之无愧。他被称为一千年来更好的魔术师。只因为这部片子的内容,是现如今世界上更好的魔术师大卫科波菲尔,15年来的魔术幻象精选。The Magic of David Copperfield: 15 Years of Magic (1994)这部表演带记录了大卫成名15周年以来更好的表演。其中包含了他最为出名的大型幻术,例如穿越长城。




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2022-10-07 20:12:49

orses run in meI rememberHow we danced so close, I would stand on your feetAnd the phone callsThat would last all night, they were lifeboats to meOur

