1、千呼后拥 东倒西歪 眼高手低 口是心非 头重脚轻 有头无尾 前倨后恭 东逃西散 由此及彼
南辕北辙 左顾右盼 积少成多 同甘共苦 半信半疑 大材小用 先人后己 有口无心 以少胜多
天经地义 弄假成真 举足轻重 南腔北调 声东击西 转危为安 东倒西歪 反败为胜
2、见多识广 察言观色 高瞻远瞩 调兵遣将 粉身碎骨 狂风暴雨
千辛万苦 生龙活虎 惊天动地 胡言乱语 改朝换代 道听途说
3、声震林木 阳关三叠 繁弦急管 曲高和寡 靡靡之音 绕梁三日 珠落玉盘 出谷黄莺 一唱三叹 五音不全 天籁之音 高山流水 余音绕梁 若即若离 虚无飘渺 铿锵有力 荡气回肠 震耳欲聋 不绝如缕
4、巧夺天工 大匠运斤 登峰造极、出神入化、一鸣惊人、炉火纯青、登堂入室、疱丁解牛、游刃有余 运斤成风 比喻手法纯熟,技术高超
互联网的利弊 internet
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless.
Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own entertainment. So much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide Wait. What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and sex. Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客).
We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as well. With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information revolution. All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of Internet.
核心剖析 文章开头开门见山,段首句“The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages Of Internet.”紧扣提纲之一条“1.互联网的优越性”。开篇内容直奔主题。直进式的开头决不拐弯抹角。直截了当地表达并不排除艺术的表达方式。(段首句的写法具有特色。)
The word Bug means "bugs" or "bugs"; while in a computer system or a program, some of the flaws or problems that have not been discovered, people call it "bug" ".
Founder of "Bug"
Hebe Report
Hebe Report
Grace Hoeber (Murray Hopper Grace), is a computer expert for the work of the United States Navy, but also one of the earliest human language into the computer program. On behalf of the computer program error "bug" this name, it is taken by the hebe. One day in 1945, Heber the Harvard Mark II set good 17000 relay programming and technical personnel ongoing operation of the machine, it suddenly stopped working. So they climb up to find a cause, a moth found the giant computer inside a set of relay contacts, which is obviously because moths by light and heat to attract, and flew to the contact, and high voltage electrocution. So in the report, Heber with adhesive tape is adhered on the moths, and the "bug" to represent "a computer program error", "bug" this argument has been that continues to this day.
Finally, I hope to help you!
some students addicted to online games, make family worry angry, and his like fall into the trap, unable to extricate themselves, in my mind is full of games, do homework in class, walk, eat, have thought, or even sleeping at night dreaming or a game.
so, over time, impact study, affect the physical and mental health, make we are addicted to virtual world, lost in the real world many good things, over time, bad for the life. so we have to plan their own time, slowly quit addiction, is only in this way can we own physical and mental healthy growth.
有的学生沉迷于 *** 游戏,令家人担心生气,而自己就像掉进了陷阱,无法自拔,脑子里全是游戏,上课做作业,走路,吃饭,有思想,甚至晚上睡觉做梦或者打游戏。
Recently, the news that U.S attack on China's Internet is always exposed. And the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country. As a result, in the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively.
最近的新闻都揭示了美国对中国 *** 的攻击。如何安全地上网在我国引起了大量的讨论。结果是在 *** 飞速发展的时代,我们必须要采取有效的措施来保护我们的隐私和财产安全。
From my perspective, in the first place, we should call attention to our personal information. Not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites, but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites. Furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed. And it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily. In addition to doing some work by ourselves, the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security. It involves probing for deeply rooted reasons, devising creative solutions, developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision.
从我的角度来看,首先,我们应该关注我们的个人信息。我们不仅不随随便便在一些奇怪的网站提供自己的信息,而且我们需要在众多的网站之间明辨是非。此外,安装一些安全的杀毒软件是必须的。这使得 *** 运行更加稳定。除了我们自己该做一些努力之外,还需要 *** 制定相关政策来保护国家 *** 安全。这就涉及到探究深层次的原因,想出有创造性的解决方案,发展高新技术人才、加强监管。
Although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completely, they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security. However, consciousness of cyber security should not decline. Only in this way, we just enjoy the convenience brought by the network.
尽管科学家仍无法完全克服这个问题,但是他们正在研究大量关于如何保护我们国家 *** 安全的办法。然而,不应该放松 *** 安全意识。只有这样我们才能享受到 *** 带给我们的便利。
*** 是由节点和连线构成,表示诸多对象及其相互联系。在数学上, *** 是一种图,一般认为专指加权图。我精心收集了关于 *** 的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!
关于 *** 的英语对话1
A: what’s up?
B: not much. Its frezzing in Beijing.
A: u should come to Bangkok. We’ve got lovely weather here.
B: great! R y inviting me?
A: laughing out loud.
B: be right back.
A: where r u going?
B; bathroom.
A; ok. I’m going to go to bathroom too. Talk to you later.
Note: when people chat online, they often shorten words. Use abbreviations, use lower case letters, and rarely use punctuation marks, especially apostrophe marks.
关于 *** 的英语对话2
A:Have you ever tried shopping online?
W:No, never. I perfer to actually see and touch what I'm buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes.
A:That's right. Seeing is believing.
W:I've heard some friends say when they get the article, it's quite different from what they see on the website advertisement.
A:That happens. Without close quality examination, we may encounter fraud, and the e-shop may suddenly disappear.
W:What's more, it's not always so safe for us to pay online as hackers might steal the user name and password.
A:It's said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem. Paying online is much safer than before, but I still have the feeling that it's not safe enough.
W:I can't agree more. that's why I only do street shopping.
A:Me too. Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information, and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping.
W:That's a good idea.
关于 *** 的英语对话3
A: hi, dave! What’s up?
B: oh, not much. What have you been doing recently, cathy?
A: I’ve been chatting online a lot with friends.
B; where do you go to chat?
A; I usually use yahoo messager. What about you?
B; I’ve never chatted online before.
A: what?? How is that possible? Why not?
B: well, my computer is really old, so most software isn’t compatible with my computer.
A; do you want to come over to mine? I can show you how to use it.
B: how long does it take to download mp3 files?
A: not very long at all. I usually download at least 30 a day.
B; do you ever download any tv progmp3s or movies?
A; sure, I’d say that I download at least on progmp3 a day.
B: do you think you could download some for me?
A: sure, just let me know what you want and I can burn it onto a cd for you.
B; let me see… I’ve heard a lot about a show called friends.
A; no problem. Did you know that there are many friends forums online?
B: what’s a forum?
A: it’s a place you can go to online where you can chat to other people who have similar interests as you.
B; do the friends’ stars ever show up there?
A; sometimes, people say they are the friends stars, but you never know who you’re talking to. For all I know, Jennifer aniston is really an old fat man.
A: ha ha ha…
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