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最新款的卡特349于,2019年第十五届中国国际机械博览会正式发布,新一代的卡特349自重48.2吨 ,斗容2.6方,燃油箱715升。


一般是个外国人就有e-mail,随便都是。难道楼主要联系? 这个是哈佛大学校长的: president@harvard.edu 下部都是计算机系的教授的,你可以一个个联系 A list of faculty and researchers in Computer Science Michael P. Brenner Faculty Office: Pierce Hall 313 Email: brenner@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3336 Office Fax: (617) 496-0601 David M. Brooks Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 141 Email: dbrooks@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3989 Yiling Chen Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 339 Email: yiling@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: 617-495-3298 Lab Name: EconCS Stephen Chong Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 145 Email: chong@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-6382 Office Fax: (617) 495-2489 Krzysztof Gajos Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 251 Email: kgajos@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-1876 Office Fax: (617) 496-1066 Steven J. Gortler Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 243 Email: sjg@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3751 Office Fax: (617) 496-1066 Lab Name: Graphics, Vision Interaction Barbara J. Grosz Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 249 Email: bgrosz@radcliffe.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3673 Office Fax: (617) 496-1066 H.T. Kung Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 225 Email: kung@harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-6211 Office Fax: (617) 496-3012 Lab Room: Maxwell Dworkin 205 Lab Phone: (617) 496-4513 Harry R. Lewis Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 237 Email: lewis@harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-2424 Michael D. Mitzenmacher Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 331 Email: michaelm@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-7172 Office Fax: (617) 496-5508 John Gregory Morrisett Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 151 Email: greg@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-9526 Radhika Nagpal Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 235 Email: rad@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-6434 Lab Name: Self-Organizing Systems Research Group Anthony G. Oettinger Emeritus Email: anthony@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-4114 Office Fax: (617) 495-3338 David C. Parkes Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 229 Email: parkes@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 384-8130 Lab Name: EconCS Hanspeter Pfister Professor of the Practice Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 227 Email: pfister@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-8269 Lab Name: Graphics, Vision Interaction Michael O. Rabin Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 349 Email: rabin@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-6294 Office Fax: (617) 495-9837 Margo I. Seltzer Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 241 Email: margo@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-5663 Office Fax: (617) 495-2809 Lab Room: Maxwell Dworkin 209 Lab Phone: (617) 495-8417 Chia Shen Research Appointee Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 115 Email: cshen@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 384-5831 Lab Name: SDR Lab Lab Room: Maxwell Dworkin 136 Stuart M. Shieber Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 245 Email: shieber@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-2344 Office Fax: (815) 572-0216 Mike D. Smith Faculty Email: mike. *** ith@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-5661 Office Fax: (617) 495-2809 Salil P. Vadhan Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 337 Email: salil@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 496-0439 Office Fax: (617) 496-6404 Leslie Valiant Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 351 Email: valiant@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-5817 Office Fax: (617) 496-6404 James H. Waldo Professor of the Practice Office: Maxwell Dworkin 134 Email: waldo@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-1260 Matt D. Welsh Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 233 Email: mdw@eecs.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3311 Office Fax: (617) 495-2809 Lab Name: Sensor Networks Lab Todd Zickler Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin Building 341 Email: zickler@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-4390 Office Fax: (617) 496-6404 Lab Room: Maxwell Dworkin 134


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2023-03-24 16:37:00

l: zickler@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-4390 Office Fax: (617) 496-6404 Lab Room: Maxwell Dworkin 134 求采纳

2023-03-24 18:09:28

览会正式发布,新一代的卡特349自重48.2吨 ,斗容2.6方,燃油箱715升。外国人的Email一般是个外国人就有e-mail,随便都是。难道楼主要联系? 这个是哈佛大学校长的: president@harvard.edu 下部都是计算机系的教授的,

2023-03-24 14:53:27

in Building 243 Email: sjg@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: (617) 495-3751 Office Fax: (617

2023-03-24 18:39:52

ell Dworkin 339 Email: yiling@seas.harvard.edu Office Phone: 617-495-3298 Lab Name: EconCS Stephen Chong

2023-03-24 19:42:31

Office Phone: (617) 496-7172 Office Fax: (617) 496-5508 John Gregory Morrisett Faculty Office: Maxwell Dworkin 151 Email: greg@eec

