In the first scene, when Neo is sleeping on his keyboard, "Dissolved Girl" by Massive Attack is playing.
歌曲:Dissolved Girl
艺人:Massive Attack
Shame, such a shame
I think I kind of lost myself again
Day, yesterday
Really should be leaving but I stay
Say, say my name
I need a little love to ease the pain
I need a little love to ease the pain
It's easy to remember when it came
'Cause it feels like I've been
I've been here before
You are not my savior
But I still don't go
Feels like something
That I've done before
I could fake it
But I still want more
Fade, made the fade
Passion's overrated anyway
Say, say my name
I need a little love to ease the pain
I need a little love to ease the pain
It's easy to remember when it came
'Cause it feels like I've been
I've been here before
You are not my savior
But I still don't go, oh
I feel live something
That I've done before
I could fake it
But I still want more, oh.
Main Title、Trinity Infinity、Follow Instructions、The White Rabbit等,没有日本组合的。
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